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Staying Informed
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Outbreak update - Government of Canada website.
Getting Assistance
Help Next Door MB - if you are a volunteer ready to provide your support or someone who needs a helping hand through these difficult times, this platform can connect you.
CareMongering Facebook group -Ii you need someone to help you or you want to help someone in your community, please check out this group.
Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood residents -The staff at Charleswood 55+ Centre is available via phone (204-897-5263) from 10am to 2pm, Mon – Fri, to help seniors who are unable to leave their home and need essentials, including food or medication.
Coursera - offers thousands of free online courses.
Prodigy Math Learning Platform – FREE for use by both parents and teachers.
Life-long Learning via The Great Courses Plus - take advantage of the one month free trial!
Free audiobooks via Audible - for all ages, adults & children
Winnipeg Public Library - Free Library Membership for residents with online sign up. Free access to downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks, streaming movies and music, eMagazines and newspapers and their research databases.
Share the Goods - Canadian-wide, the site connects people who need food, with people who want to help. You provide your contact information, and are matched with someone who wants to provide a one-time food delivery.
North Point Douglas Women’s Resource Centre - non-perishable food hamper pick up available on Tuesdays from 11am-1pm at 221 Austin St. N, Winnipeg
RaY (Resource Assistance for Youth) is a non-profit street-level agency working with street-entrenched and homeless youth up to the age of 29. RaY is non-judgmental and non-partisan, employing a harm reduction approach to all interactions with youth in need.
Health Links-Info Santé - province-wide service that offers triage services, health information and referral, and nurse advice to callers. Can provide assistance with symptom assessment and triage, referral to the most appropriate level of care, general health information, and assistance finding health resources in local communities. Call 1-888-315-9257 or 204-788-8200
Mental Health
Manitoba Suicide Prevention & Support Line (24/7) - 24/7 confidential telephone support service for people at risk of suicide, concerned family / friends, those who have lost a loved one to suicide, and service providers / helpers. Toll free: 1-877-435-7170 / TTY: (204) 784-4097 Email:
Klinic Crisis Line (24/7) operates a 24-Hour telephone crisis line, providing counselling, crisis intervention, support, information, referrals. Phone: (204) 786-8686 / Toll free: 1-888-322-3019 / TTY: (204) 784-4097
Bliss - Free 8-week online therapy course for depression
Headspace -provides free meditation sessions
BetterHealth - offers affordable online therapy
Mental Health Virtual Therapy Program - AbilitiCBT is an internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) program that you can access from any device, anytime.
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line - The Hope for Wellness Help Line offers immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week. Call 1‑855‑242-3310
Elmwood Community Resource Centre Basic Needs and Support Line - Individuals looking for ways to cope with life changes, anxiety, depression, stress, isolation, addictions, or domestic violence. Counselling services will be available over the phone, online and via email support.
Call 204-982-1720 ext. 201 or email Counselling warm-Line open Mondays to Fridays from 10 am to 6pm -call us at 431-275-2287 or 431-275-2290 for support with coping tips, mental health & wellness strategies, general support
Physical Health
Adidas Runtastic App is providing 90 days of free premium access to their app, which gives free access to 260+ home workout videos and training plans in all 15 available languages.
A number of fitness studios are offering daily free classes on Instagram TV:
Power Yoga Canada
30 minute cardio work out – for homes, no equipment needed
Debt Repayment
Federal Tax Deferral:
June 1, 2020 - extended deadline for filing your personal tax return with the Canada Revenue Agency or Revenu Québec
June 15, 2020 - this still remains as the deadline for filing your self-employment return
August 31, 2020 - extended payment deadline for any taxes owed to the Canada Revenue Agency or Revenu Québec
More details here
COVID-19: Mortgage Payment Deferral. Homeowners facing financial stress may be eligible for a mortgage payment deferral up to 6 months to help ease the financial burden.
Who's hiring?
Unemployment Benefits
Small Business Assistance
Information for Businesses
Help with Bills
Bell, Rogers, Telus, and TekkSavy are waiving extra internet usage fees
Loan Assistance
Canada suspends federal student loan payments during COVID-19 crisis. Students will be automatically enrolled into the six-month loan holiday program
SNA Spence Neighborhood Association - Holistic Housing
Main Street Project Mainstay Transitional Housing Program – 75 Martha St. - Housing first, longer term shelter at Main Street project
West Central Women’s Resource Centre - offers emergency housing, EIA, and gender-based violence support, and drop-in services. Call 204-774-8975 or stop by 640 Ellice Ave to book your appointment.
Main St. Project - Emergency Shelter open 24/7. Offering modified drop in services. MSP’s Emergency Shelter is located at 75 Martha St, Winnipeg. 204-982-8229
Siloam Mission at 300 Princess Ave - Check in before 7:30pm. They provide emergency shelter, drop-in meals, clothing, showers, and hygiene access.
Salvation Army at 180 Henry - Open 24/7, provides shelter to sleep.
Sonrise Family Shelter at 180 Henry - For families and single parents with children in your care who are in need of immediate shelter.
Manitoba Association of Women’s Shelter’s - confidential provincial toll-free crisis line provides information only. Call the crisis line 24/7 at 1-877-977-0007.
Ikwe Women’s Shelter - provides 24 hours crisis intervention, counselling, and referral for shelter services on a 24 hour, 7 days a week basis to individuals experiencing domestic violence. Call 1-800-362-3344
Willow Place - a family violence agency supporting transformation, healing, and healthy relationships, Call 204-615-0313 ext.0
West End 24-Hour Safe Space for Youth at 430 Langside - provides a safe space to hang out, not to sleep.
Supports for non-profits
Manitoba Music - has established an emergency financial relief fund to help Manitoba’s music entrepreneurs, in addition to its pre-existing Unison Benevolent Fund.
The Canadian Society of Association Executives - dedicated to not-for-profit professionals, is hosting online videochats and providing additional assistance to its members.
Elderly (65+)
Charleswood-Tuxedo-Westwood residents - The staff at Charleswood 55+ Centre is available via phone (204-897-5263) from 10 am to 2pm, Mon – Fri, to help seniors who are unable to leave their home and need essentials including food or medication.
Safety for Survivors of Violence
Klinic Sexual Assault Crisis Line is a 24-hour phone line that provides information and crisis intervention to sexual assault victims and those close to them Sexual Assault Intake 204-784-4059 Toll Free 1-888-292-7565 Hotline 204-786-8631
Manitoba Association of Women’s Shelter’s - confidential provincial toll-free crisis line provides information only. Call the crisis line 24/7 at 1-877-977-0007.
Ikwe Women’s Shelter - provides 24 hours crisis intervention, counselling and information and referral for shelter services on a 24 hour, 7 days a week basis to individuals experiencing domestic violence. Call 1-800-362-3344
Willow Place is a family violence agency supporting transformation, healing and healthy relationships. Call 204-615-0313 ext.0
Legal Assistance
Torkin Manes Legal Resource Center - the law firm has written a number of articles to keep people informed of the legal implications related to this COVID-19 (topics include insurance, real estate, employment, and cannabis law).
Other Resources
Coronavirus Tech Handbook- a library for technologists, civic organisations, public and private institutions, researchers, educators and specialists of all kinds to collaborate on an agile and sophisticated response to the coronavirus outbreak and sequential impacts.
COVID-19 Research Resources Canada - a site for scientists & researchers, that provides access to reagents, equipment, human resources, and expertise.
Netflix Party is a Chrome extension that lets you have long distance movie nights
Winnipeg Public Library - Free Library Membership for residents with online sign up. Free access to downloadable eBooks and eAudiobooks, streaming movies and music, eMagazines and newspapers and their research databases.
Globe Theatre featuring Shakespeare plays (paid subscription)
Colouring Books (Free download)
Donate Your Items or Money
Volunteer Opportunities/How to Help
Share the Goods - Canada-wide site that brings food to those in need; the site connects people who want to help, with people who need food.
Scientists to Crowdfight COVID-19 - If you have research/science experience, this group is looking for your help.
Indigenous Community Support Fund: Urban and off-reserve Indigenous organizations and communities - Funding to help Indigenous organizations and communities providing services to Indigenous peoples in urban centres or off reserve prevent, prepare and respond to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Social Distance Pow Wow Facebook group - connect with Indigenous Peoples online for community support and to share ideas for navigating this shut-down period.
Last updated
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