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Staying Informed



  • Share the Goods - Canadian-wide, the site connects people who need food, with people who want to help. You provide your contact information, and are matched with someone who wants to provide a one-time food delivery.

  • Pop Up Farmers Deliveries - a crowd-sourced spreadsheet of all the Toronto/GTA Farmers that are offering delivery services.

  • BlackFoodToronto - this group is helping individuals and families in African, Caribbean, Black Community In Toronto who have been affected by COVID-19 and need support in accessing food.

Food Banks

Online Grocery Delivery/Pickup


Mental Health

Physical Health



Debt Repayment

  • Federal Tax Deferral:

    • June 1, 2020 - extended deadline for filing your personal tax return with the Canada Revenue Agency or Revenu Québec

    • June 15, 2020 - this still remains as the deadline for filing your self-employment return

    • August 31, 2020 - extended payment deadline for any taxes owed to the Canada Revenue Agency or Revenu Québec

    • More details here

  • COVID-19: Mortgage Payment Deferral. Homeowners facing financial stress may be eligible for a mortgage payment deferral up to 6 months to help ease the financial burden.

Income Relief


  • Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) Suspends Issuing New Eviction Orders - The LTB has declared that no new eviction orders can be issued in Ontario until further notice

  • Toronto Community Housing - Walk-in visits are closed due to COVID-19. People in need can call 416-981-5500 or email at any time

    The 24/7 Client Care Centre can help:

    • With daily living needs, such as food and medicine, if you are self-isolating and need help

    • Emergency repairs (all non-urgent repairs will be scheduled for a later date).

Who's hiring?

Unemployment Benefits

Small Business Assistance

Help with Bills

  • Bell, Rogers, Telus, and TekkSavy are waiving extra internet usage fees

  • Utility Bill Extension: The City is extending the due date for all utility bills issued by an additional 60 days

Loan Assistance

  • Torkin Manes Legal Resource Center - the law firm has written a number of articles to keep people informed of the legal implications related to this COVID-19 (topics include insurance, real estate, employment, and cannabis law).

  • Law Society Referral Service - site for residents of Ontario to request a free 30 minute consultation with a legal professional.

Elderly (65+)

  • Toronto Seniors Helpline: 416-217-2077

  • Friendly Neighbour Hotline - University Health Network’s OpenLab is helping vulnerable seniors by mobilizing volunteers to deliver groceries and other household essentials.

  • Operation Ramzieh - The restaurant group, DreamMind, is assembling free food boxes that will be distributed to seniors in Toronto and Ottawa.

Safety for Survivors of Violence

Other Resources

  • Coronavirus Tech Handbook- a library for technologists, civic organisations, public and private institutions, researchers, educators and specialists of all kinds to collaborate on an agile and sophisticated response to the coronavirus outbreak and sequential impacts.

  • COVID-19 Research Resources Canada - a site for scientists & researchers, that provides access to reagents, equipment, human resources, and expertise.

  • Ontario Beer Finder - connects you to Ontario breweries that will deliver, helping you to support independent businesses and stay home.

  • COVID Waiting Time - this online map calculates wait times for grocery stores, LCBOs, and pharmacies in Toronto.


  • The PPE Drive - Donate your masks, gloves, goggles, and gowns at Michael Garron Hospital between 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

  • For Businesses looking to Donate food - Restaurants and businesses that sell food are asked to donate unsold, surplus food through Second Harvest Food Rescue

  • The Stop - Donate money to provide emergency food to Toronto’s West End

  • Building Roots - Donate $5 for 1 fresh food basket, and they will deliver it to isolated people in the Toronto East community, especially Toronto Community Housing.

  • Seva Food Bank - Donate Food or Money to Seva Food Bank, which provides safe, nutritious and culturally appropriate food to low-income families living in Mississauga

  • Better Toronto Coalition Fund - A site to pool donations with other donors to support organizations on the front lines.

  • Good Shepherd - Donate supplies for making sandwiches, toiletries, men’s socks & jocks (new only).

  • Operation Ramzieh : Crisis Relief Team - Donate money to help a local group provide free food boxes to the elderly

  • Presto Card Donations - a group is collecting presto cards to donate to essential workers. If you are an essential worker, you can also sign-up via this link. Donate Your Items or Money

Volunteer Opportunities/How to Help

Last updated

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