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  • Feeding Kentucky - Has listings of food pantries by county, food assistance for children and other meal sites.


Specialized Health Resources for Communities

  • Medicaid Application - During the COVID-19 State of Emergency, individuals should complete this application to request Presumptive Eligibility under the Kentucky Medicaid program. Presumptive Eligibility Medicaid is temporary and ends on 6/30/2020 unless you submit an application for regular Medicaid.

  • Dept for Aging and Independent Living - Elderly and caregiver support services.

Mental Health




  • COVID Resources for K-12 - Areas to pick-up food assistance for school aged children and learning resources for remote schooling.


Income Relief


  • KY Housing Corp - Contains resources for home owners, section 8 housing, homelessness assistance, etc.

Who's hiring?

  • Who’s Hiring - Continually updated source for actively hiring businesses.

Disability Benefits/Paid Sick Leave

Unemployment Benefits

  • Unemployment Insurance Application - Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, non-traditional unemployment clients are now eligible to file for benefits. If after you submit your application, you receive a message that states you are not covered or your claim has been denied, please disregard.

Tax Assistance

  • KY Income Tax Relief - This income tax relief is applicable to individual, corporate, limited liability, fiduciary and pass-through filers with filing and payment deadlines of April 15, 2020.

Small Business Assistance

  • KY Small Business Resources - Contains resources at the state and federal level for small businesses - including the Paycheck Protection Program and Emergency Economic Injury Grant.

Elderly (65+)

Safety for Survivors of Violence

Other Resources

  • Drive-Thru Testing - Those eligible for the test include health care workers, first responders, those 65 and older, those with chronic health conditions and those with COVID-19 symptoms.

  • Team Kentucky Donation - Governor Andy Beshear invites all Kentuckians to make a tax deductible donation to the Team Kentucky Fund. This fund provides assistance to Kentuckians who have been severely financially impacted by the COVID-19 emergency.

Volunteer Opportunities/How to Help

  • Louisville Match Program - We are preparing for the potential of a community outbreak of COVID-19 in Louisville by identifying healthy adults who are under 60, whose risk factors are low and who are willing to be paired with an elder or someone with high risk factors in our community. Once a match is made you and your COVID-19 Match can coordinate the delivery of essential supplies, like food and prescriptions and also be someone who can regularly check in with those who are high-risk by phone or other electronic means.

Last updated