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Hunger Task Force - Features Interactive Map, Updated Daily at 5:00pm
Tandem MKE - Offering free community meals on Wednesdays
Milwaukee Farmers United - CSA Box delivered to your home
Milwaukee Take-out List - List of Milwaukee-area restaurants offering carry-out and delivery
Braise - Offering pickup and delivery options
Restaurant Carry-Out Zone Request Form - City of Milwaukee application for carry-out
Boys & Girls Club of Milwaukee - Distributing grocery bags with meals to children 18 years and younger
MPS Free Meals - Schools providing free meals to students
Specialized Health Resources for Communities
Mental Health
Mental Illness during COVID-19 - Mental Health America Resource
Medication Access During COVID-19 - Mental Health America Resource
Barre Class - Support a local business, Bar District Lake Country is offering video workout classes through a private Facebook group for a $35/month membership fee
Milwaukee Native's At-home Activity Advice - Tips for at-home activities with kids
Income Relief
UW Credit Union - Offering emergency personal loans to those who have lost employment due to COVID-19, no interest and no payments for 90 days
Who's hiring?
Odd Jobs for MKE Service Industry - Facebook Group
Job Center of Wisconsin - Job Portal
Amazon - Amazon Hiring 700 WI Employees
Apprenticeship Contacts - Apprenticeship Portal
Disability Benefits/Paid Sick Leave
Unemployment Benefits
Unemployment Insurance - Application for Unemployment Benefits
Tax Assistance
Coronavirus Tax Relief - IRS Information
Small Business Assistance
Disaster Loan for Businesses - Resources for Businesses
MEDC - Milwaukee Economic Development Corporation short term low interest loans
"Business Strategies Through the Pandemic" Seminar - Hosted by Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
Navigating Through COVID-19 in Wisconsin - Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation Booklet
Gener8tor Emergency Response Program - One week virtual program for small businesses affected by COVID-19
Ethnic & Diverse Business Coalition - Small Business Impact Grant
Elderly (65+)
Milwaukee County Department on Aging Relief Program - Services for elderly due to COVID-19
Hunger Task Force Milwaukee - Providing a free box of healthy food to people over ages 60+
Safety for Survivors of Violence
Other Resources
United Way Community Economic Relief Fund - Get Help (call or text, provide zip code)
Milwaukee County COVID-19 - Website following COVID-19 cases and info on Milwaukee county departments and facility closures and service changes
Arts Wisconsin COVID-19 - Resources for creatives
Donate Your Items or Money
Amazon Wishlist for UWM Food Bank - UWM Food Bank is out of food, only accepting donations right now via direct shipment from this Amazon wishlist
United Way Donate - Donate to United Way COVID-19 Urgent Needs Fund
Tip MKE - Directory for finding and supporting local service industry professionals
Volunteer Opportunities/How to Help
Volunteer Wisconsin COVID-19 Response Volunteer Opportunities
Red Cross-Blood Drive If you are feeling healthy and well, please make an appointment through the site to donate blood as it is in high demand.
MKE Artist Relief Fund - Artists Relief Fund
Support South Milwaukee - Helping Local Businesses
NO Studios - Weekly Skillshares and featured artists on Instagram Live
Last updated
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