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  • State Food Assistance - Contains list of resources for food assistance in MA.

  • Project Bread's FoodSource Hotline - They will continue to have the most updated information on SNAP (including any expanded benefits that may become available) and offer screening and application assistance over the phone. They will also connect callers to additional food resources. The FoodSource Hotline will maintain its usual hours, with access to Language Line translators, through this crisis. You can reach the Hotline at 1-800-645-8333 and it is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday from 10:00am to 2:00pm.


Specialized Health Resources for Communities

Mental Health



  • Emergency Child Care (ECC) - These types of caregivers are the only programs allowed to operate in MA until restrictions are lifted. Page contains links to find an ECC provider.



Income Relief


Who's hiring?

  • MA COVID 19 Jobs - Links to MassHire's free online job services, direct links for employers hiring (mainly retailers) and resources for temporary jobs related to COVID 19.

Unemployment Benefits

Tax Assistance

Small Business Assistance

Elderly (65+)

Safety for Survivors of Violence

Other Resources

Volunteer Opportunities/How to Help

  • MA Responds - MA Responds offers health volunteers and non-health volunteers a chance to join a network of people who are trained and ready to respond when called to assist local health and safety officials in Massachusetts. Even people without health care training are encouraged to join, as non-health volunteers are also very useful during a response. Volunteers are provided valuable training free of charge, and they learn how to prepare themselves and their families during an emergency.

  • MA Contact Tracing Collaborative - Join to help reach out to contacts of confirmed positive COVID-19 patients to help reduce the spread of the disease.

Last updated

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