
Help us make this page better. Suggest links or sign up as a volunteer.


  • School Meal Pick-up Sites - Find a school meal pick-up site across the state.

  • Apply for SNAP - Eligible households can receive food assistance through regular SNAP or through the Louisiana Combined Application Project (LaCAP).

  • Food Assistance - Food pantries and subsidized grocery resources around the state.


Specialized Health Resources for Communities

  • Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) Guidance for questions or services:

    • Email OCDD-HCBS@la.gov, and someone will respond to your question.

    • Call OCDD 225-342-0095 Monday through Friday 8:00-4:30 to talk with someone directly, or leave a message outside business hours.

Mental Health

  • TIKES - Tulane’s Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Program (TIKES) program is offering a free Tele Mental Health Consult for individuals caring for young children in Louisiana.



  • Childcare Providers - Beginning March 23, families can access subsidized care for children age 12 and under through the Louisiana Department of Education’s Child Care Assistance Program, CCAP. The program assures affordable access to childcare at licensed childcare centers participating in the program.

    The program is available to families with caregivers who are considered essential personnel in the COVID-19 response effort.



Income Relief


  • Louisiana Housing Corp (LHC) - Resources compiled on housing assistance in the state.

  • HUD Resources - Louisiana resources for housing including utility assistance, independent living centers and Section 8 housing.

Who's hiring?

Disability Benefits/Paid Sick Leave

Unemployment Benefits

  • Submit an Unemployment Claim - CARES Act provisions now available. If you have already filed an unemployment claim due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), you do NOT need to call the LWC.

Tax Assistance

Small Business Assistance

  • Assistance by Region - Louisiana Economic Development resources split by state region (see interactive map.)

Elderly (65+)

  • Guidance from Office of Aging & Adult Services for questions on services:

    • Phone: 1-866-758-5035 / Email: OAAS.Inquiries@la.gov

Safety for Survivors of Violence

  • Iris Domestic Violence Center

    • Local (225) 389-3001

    • State Hotline 1-888-411-1333

    • National Hotline 1-800-799-7233

  • The Butterfly Society

Other Resources

  • State-wide COVID site - Hub for links on the virus including testing locations, guides and resources for communities.

  • United Way - Specific United Way centers across the state are requesting volunteers, resources and donations.

Volunteer Opportunities/How to Help

  • Louisiana Volunteers in Action (LAVA) - LAVA is administered by the Louisiana Department of Health, Office of Public Health. LAVA works to recruit, credential, train, manage and deploy volunteers (medical and non-medical) to assist during emergencies and day to day activities by providing additional staff to meet health/medical surge needs.

Last updated

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