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Meal Service Sites for School Age Children - .xlsx document (All VA)
WIC Services - For those who are pregnant, have a baby, or children 5 and under (All VA)
Loudoun County Food Assistance Map - Find organizations in your area providing food assistance. (Loudoun County)
Specialized Health Resources for Communities
Bon Secours - Free video visits to those experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and those who may have been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19
Mental Health
Stress and Coping with COVID-19 - Guidance and resources regarding coping with stress over the pandemic, as well as resource links if you are in a mental health crisis. (All VA)
What to Know about COVID-19 - Information on how the disease is spread and how you can prevent exposure. Available also in Spanish and Chinese. (All VA)
What to Do if You Think You’re Sick - How to keep your household from getting sick, as well as how and when to seek medical care. Available in Spanish and Chinese. (All VA)
CDC Household Preparation List - Help to develop and implement a family preparation plan. (All VA)
Virginia Department of Social Services - Virginia Child Care Subsidy Program FAQ
Virginia Department of Education - Guides for parents on homeschooling, FAQ on educational changes in VA (All VA)
General FAQ from Workers Regarding COVID-19 - What to do if you’ve lost a job, are sick, etc. (All VA)
Loudoun County Utilities Help - Contains listing of utilities companies and their COVID help website links and contact info. (Loudoun County)
Income Relief
VDHA Loan Assistance - Financial assistance page for VDHA loan holders and information on their policies. (All VA)
Homeless Services - Resources for those in the mid-atlantic for shelters and re-housing programs. (All VA)
Who's hiring?
Listing of Companies Hiring - Details on large companies hiring during COVID-19 as of March 19, 2020. (All VA)
Disability Benefits/Paid Sick Leave
Unemployment Benefits
Virginia Employment Commission - You may file a claim for Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits with the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) (All VA)
Unemployment Insurance (UI) Procedures - FAQ About How to Claim Unemployment Benefits (All VA)
Tax Assistance
PB Mares Resource Center - Information most relevant to families and businesses from the PBMares trusted team of tax and business professionals. Contains details on tax filing deadlines, stimulus package information, etc. (All VA)
Small Business Assistance
Harrisonburg Economic Development - Disaster Impact Loan Program (Harrisonburg)
Virginia SBDC - Stay up to date on resources for businesses impacted by COVID-19 (All VA)
Elderly (65+)
Loudoun County Elderly Hours Map - Interactive map showing store and pharmacy locations in Loudoun County with modified hours for seniors. (Loudoun County, VA)
Listing of Stores with Elderly Hours - Continually updated listing of stores with special hours or other assistance specifically aimed at older people. Search for your store’s name and click the list to find up to date information. (All VA)
Safety for Survivors of Violence
Doorways for Women & Families - Assisting with domestic violence and abuse in Northern Virginia (Arlington)
Love is Respect - Highly-trained advocates offer support, information and advocacy to young people who have questions or concerns about their dating relationships. They also provide information and support to concerned friends and family members, teachers, counselors, service providers and members of law enforcement. Free and confidential phone, live chat and texting services are available 24/7/365. (All VA)
VA Sexual & Domestic Violence Action Alliance - State-wide resources list of online chat services and support. (All VA)
Other Resources
Retail Stores’ Current Status - Continually updated listing of retail stores and their current policies on COVID (restricted hours, temporary closings, etc.) (All VA)
United Way Resources for Northern Shenandoah - Links to community cancellations, grant investments, food and health resources, and financial relief. (Winchester City, Frederick, Clarke, Shenandoah and Page Counties)
Donate Your Items or Money
The Community Foundation Harrisonburg-Rockingham - Donate to the COVID-19 HR Community Response Fund (Harrisonburg)
Loudoun Cares Volunteer Center - Collecting food donations, list of food items needed for various organizations (Loudoun County)
Rise Against Hunger - Donate money to help purchase food supplies or organize a food packaging event (All VA)
VA Superintendents List - VA schools are hoping for donations of laptops and other necessary equipment for children to learn remotely. Find your local superintendent and contact them via this list. (All VA)
Volunteer Opportunities/How to Help
Hands On Richmond VA - A list of alternative ways to support nonprofits, a list of organizations in need of specific In-Kind Donations and information about the newly established Central Virginia COVID-19 Response Fund (Richmond)
Medical Reserve Corps - If you are willing and able to assist in an emergency, sign up for the Medical Reserve Corps to be ready to help. They accept both medical and non-medical personnel without prior experience and you can sign up for your local area. (All VA)
Last updated
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